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Astra 1M (19.2°E) Transponder 104

Orbital position Satellite Norad .ini News channels Free To Air only Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Last updated
19.2°E Astra 1P Moving 0.7°E/day 6008 206 86 30.12°E 0.05° 0.07° N/A N/A 2025-01-29 22:26
19.2°E Astra 1N 37775 367 205 19.22°E 0.08° 0.08° N/A N/A 2025-01-23 19:38
19.2°E Astra 1KR 29055 20 3 19.21°E 0.02° 0.02° N/A N/A 2025-01-15 20:54
19.2°E Astra 1L 31306 196 155 19.19°E 0.04° 0.05° N/A N/A 2025-01-15 20:51
19.2°E Astra 1M 33436 299 137 19.18°E 0.05° 0.06° N/A N/A 2025-01-28 15:29

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13 record(s) - Sorted by frequency - Most recent updates: CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
19.2°E 13Astra 1M 12480.00V104Astra 1MDVB-SQPSK27500 3/4BetaDigital, 38 Mb/s 13333 KingOfSat charts update form
Sonnenklar TV
Alemanha Turismo BetaDigital Em aberto 32 2303 2304 ger  97  2303  40  2015-10-26 +

Home Shopping Europe Deutschland
Alemanha Tele-vendas BetaDigital Em aberto 40 1279 1280 ger  104  1279  37  2022-01-28 +
Handystar TV 2 Alemanha Tele-vendas BetaDigital Em aberto 46 1791 1792 ger  106  1791    2019-06-07 +
Regio TV
Alemanha Regional BetaDigital Em aberto 47 2047 2048 ger  107  2047    2018-08-12 +
Tele 5
Alemanha Generalista BetaDigital Em aberto 51 1535 1536 ger  99  1535    2025-01-28 +
Alemanha Estilo de vida BetaDigital Em aberto 63 3327 3328 ger  108  3327  44  2012-06-06 +
Baden TV Alemanha Regional BetaDigital Em aberto 76 2815 2816 ger  109  2815    2020-06-16 +
HSE24 Trend
Alemanha Tele-vendas BetaDigital Em aberto 77 3071 3072 ger  110  3071  37  2022-01-28 +
Spirit TV Germany Alemanha Diversos BetaDigital Em aberto 661 2559 2560 ger  98  2559    2025-01-02 +
Genius Trend Alemanha Tele-vendas BetaDigital Em aberto 897 767 768 ger  102  767    2021-05-10 +
MediaShop - Meine Einkaufswelt Alemanha Tele-vendas BetaDigital Em aberto 898 255 256 ger  100  255    2012-06-06 +
MeinTVshop Alemanha Tele-vendas BetaDigital Em aberto 899 511 512 ger  101  511    2012-06-06 +
Sport 1 Germany
Alemanha Desporto BetaDigital Em aberto 900 1023 1024 ger  103  1023    2024-08-02 +

Detailed transponder stream properties (12480.00 V)

SID Ident. PID Format Colorimetry Width Height Aspect Ratio Frame rate
Sampling rate
Bitrate mode Bitrate Scan type Last updated
32 40 Teletext 2025-01-30
32 2303 MPEG Video Main, Main 4:2:0 544 576 1.778 25.000 FPS VBR Interlaced 2025-01-30
32 2304 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-01-30
40 37 Teletext 2025-01-30
40 1279 MPEG Video Main, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS VBR Interlaced 2025-01-30
40 1280 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-01-30
46 1791 MPEG Video Main, Main 4:2:0 544 576 1.778 25.000 FPS VBR Interlaced 2025-01-30
46 1792 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-01-30
47 2047 AVC 3, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.818 25.000 FPS Interlaced 2025-01-30
47 2048 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 160000 2025-01-30
51 1535 MPEG Video Main, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS VBR Interlaced 2025-01-30
51 1536 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-01-30
63 44 Teletext 2025-01-30
63 3327 MPEG Video Main, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS VBR Interlaced 2025-01-30
63 3328 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-01-30
76 2815 AVC 3, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.818 25.000 FPS Interlaced 2025-01-30
76 2816 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 160000 2025-01-30
77 3071 MPEG Video Main, Main 4:2:0 544 576 1.778 25.000 FPS VBR Interlaced 2025-01-30
77 3072 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-01-30
661 2559 MPEG Video Main, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS VBR Interlaced 2025-01-30
661 2560 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-01-30
897 767 MPEG Video Main, Main 4:2:0 480 576 1.778 25.000 FPS VBR Interlaced 2025-01-30
897 768 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-01-30
898 255 MPEG Video Main, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS CBR Interlaced 2025-01-30
898 256 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 96000 2025-01-30
899 511 MPEG Video Main, Main 4:2:0 480 576 1.778 25.000 FPS VBR Interlaced 2025-01-30
899 512 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-01-30
900 1023 MPEG Video Main, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS VBR Interlaced 2025-01-30
900 1024 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-01-30

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